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30 Days To A Healthier You

Ready! Set! Rejuvinate!

Having more energy and vitality, feeling more engaged in life and easily manage your weight can start with making a few small changes in your daily habits and engaging in self education. These 30 days will act as a RESET to establishing healthy habits.

It’s our mission to empower people to flourish with sustainable healthy living, so the 30 Days to Healthy Living set and program are specifically designed to do just that. It helps you identify foods that might not be serving your body well- while you focus on adding nutrient dense, plant based whole foods into your daily routine, creating sustainable habits for a healthy lifestyle that lasts.

The beautiful thing is you’re not alone on this journey. Not only will you have a personal coach you have the opportunity to join an amazing supportive community.

Currently I own and operate a fitness business which allows me to share this program with so many people. Hands down my clients have reported this is the easiest program they’ve ever followed!

Here are a few testimonials …

“After my heart attack, I knew I needed to make changes. Not only did my doctor approve the 30 day regiment but when I went for my follow up he said, “Whatever you’re doing - don’t stop” I am forever grateful you shared this program with me. Gosh I feel so darn great!”

Love Tessa

“You know how worried I was about my dad… I love that guy… I’m so appreciative this program put him on a healthy path. He was very scared when the doctor told him he was pre-diabetic and if he didn’t make a change, he would have to go on medication and possibly insulin. Because of the 30 Day he’s down 17 pounds, feeling in control of his health and the doctor said medication is no longer needed!”


“Finally I’m NOT on a diet!!!! I seriously feel free!!!! I haven’t felt this great in years. And I couldn’t agree more, the shakes and fizz are the bomb. I’m a lifer lol. No words can express what this last 30 days has meant for me.


It has been an amazing opportunity to serve others and witness my clients, friends and family achieve life changing results.

So whether you are looking for a total overhaul in your health or to bring in new healthy habits this program is for you!

I would love to hear your goals and make a plan that is perfect for you!

In Wellness & Friendship,

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